Environmental Health Sciences concerns on the influence of environmental factors on human health, based on the concept of Public Health sciences. The Department focuses on the investigation of environmental factors that affect public health in industrial areas.

Our research focuses on developing environmental monitoring methods, biological monitoring (biomonitoring), and biomarkers, so that those are able to early detect diseases that exist in society, especially those are caused by environmental factors and the presence of chemicals within human body due to environmental pollution and biological chemicals.

Head Of Departement

Dr. Lilis Sulistyorini, Ir., M.Kes

Secertary Of Departemet

Kusuma Scorpia L., dr., M.Kes

Teaching Staff

  1. Prof. Dr. J. Mukono, MS., M.PH
  2. Prof. Soedjajadi, dr., M.S., Ph.D
  3. Dr. Ririh Yudhastuti, drh., M.Sc
  4. Sudarmaji, SKM., M.Kes
  5. Dr. R. Azizah, SH., M.Kes.
  6. Corie Indria Prasasti, SKM., M.Kes
  7. M. Farid Dimyati Lusno, dr.MKL
  8. Retno Andriyani, ST., M.Kes