Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences focuses on behavioral health sciences (including social psychology, health anthropology, health sociology), counseling (individuals and groups), human relations and group dynamics, community development and organizations, social marketing, media development techniques and structuring public health promotion plan (PKM). Those are all conducted by taking Basic Public Health concepts (promotive, preventive and protective) into consideration.


Head Of Departement

Pulung Siswantara, SKM., M.Kes

Secertary Of Departement

Hario Megatsari, SKM., M.Kes

Teaching Staff

  1. Prof. Dr. Rika Subarniati T., dr., SKM.
  2. Dr. Rachmat Hargono, dr., M.S., M.PH
  3. Oedojo Soedirham, dr., M.PH., M.A., Ph.D.
  4. Dr. M. Bagus Qomaruddin, Drs., M.Sc
  5. Dr. M. Zainal Fatah, Drs., M.S., M.Kes
  6. Dr. Shrimarti Roekmini Devy, Dra., M.Kes
  7. Muji Sulistyowati, SKM., M.PH
  8. Ira Nurmala, S.KM., M.PH., Ph.D
  9. Dr. Sri Widati, S.Sos., M.Si
  10. Riris Diana Rachmawati SKM.,M.Kes
  11. Muthmainah, S.KM.M.Kes