Department of Biostatistics

Department of Biostatistics and Population Studies concerns on the application of statistics in the field of bio-medical-medicine, health and demographics as well as studying fertility, mortality, migration and its influencing factors by taking Public Health’s basic premises (Promotive, Preventive, and Protective) into account.

Department of Biostatistics focuses its attention to skillful education in statistics and population studies. To support the development of science and technology, Biostatistics and Population Studies helps to improve Airlangga University’s lecturers research skills in general.

Head Of Departement

Dr. Windhu Purnomo, dr., MS.


Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si., M.Si

Teaching Staff

  1. Prof. Kuntoro, dr., M.PH., Dr.PH
  2. Dr. Arief Wibowo, dr., MS
  3. Dr. Hari Basuki Notobroto, dr., M.Kes
  4. Dr. Rr. Soenarnatalina M., Ir., M.Kes
  5. Nunik Puspitasari, SKM., M.Kes
  6. Mahmudah, Ir,m M.Kes
  7. Lutfi Agus Salim, SKM., M.Si
  8. Rachmad Indawati, SKM., M.KM
  9. Nurul Fitriyah, SKM., M.Sc
  10. Yuly Sulistyorini, SKM., M.Kes
  11. Sigit Ari Saputro,SKM.,M.Kes