Public Health Nutrition concerns on the relationship between Basic Human Nutrition and Public Health, with the aim to achieve productivity. It includes the concepts of promotive efforts in achieving balanced nutrition (macro and micro nutrients) and healthy living in the whole human life-cycle. Nutrition also concerns on how to assess one’s nutritional status and to identify the nutritional problems, especially in groups, which are prone to malnutrition as a preventive effort. The science also focuses on recognizing and planning various nutritional efforts as a protective factor to remain productive.
The Department focuses on the deepening of sociocultural aspects of nutrition, food security and resilience, community dietetics, nutrition surveillance, nutrition and disease relationships, nutrition education, nutrition and MCH, and work nutrition.
To meet the recent needs in preventing multiple nutrition problems, Department of Nutrition constantly develops its staffs’ capability in conducting action research and community service activities.
Head OF Departement
Dr. Annis Catur Adi, Ir., M.Si
Siti Rahayu Nadhiroh, SKM., M.Kes
Teaching Staff