1. Vision

Faculty of Public Health Airlangga University strives for becoming a leading and internationally-reputable Public Health Faculty, and generating graduates who have proactive, professional and entrepreneurial spirit in solving Public Health problems at local, national and international scale, which based on technological developments and religious values.

  1. Mission
    1. Implementing education management using RAISE plus approach (Relevancy, Academic Atmosphere, Internal Management and Organization, Sustainability, Efficiency and Productivity) plus Leadership, Access and Equity.
    2. Organizing academic, vocational and professional education using modern learning technologies.
    3. Providing quality education using methods and concepts of evidence-based learning process and student-centered learning approach.
    4. Conducting research and publishing the findings in scientifically-reputable journals at local, national and international scope.
    5. Conducting community service programs to help resolving public health issues at local, national and international scope.
    6. Building partnerships and networks with national, international industries, professional organizations, and governments bodies.
  2. Objectives
    1. Developing Public Health academic, vocational and professional graduates who are proactive, innovative, and professional.
    2. Conducting research that support the progress of science and technology conducted by lecturers and students.
    3. Applying Public Health knowledge and technology in public/community service activities.
    4. Implementing an effective, efficient, continuous and competitive learning process in a conducive academic atmosphere.
    5. Implementing education than meets the needs of the labor market and paying attention to access and equity.
    6. Providing resources that are capable of following the progress of science and technology in the field of Public Health.
    7. Implementing mutually supportive partnerships with stakeholders at both national and international scope.