Department of Occupational Safety and Health (K3) develops knowledge about the relation between work and its environment to workers’ health and vice versa. It includes conceptions of promotive, preventive and protective efforts as the core of academic-oriented professional education for undergraduate students in Public Health Science (S1).

The existence of K3 Department is currently needed, especially when it is evident that the increase of occupational accidents incidence is rather worrying. According to numerous research findings, the mortality rate due to accidents exceeding the death rate due to other causes, which becomes the main concern in the health sector. In addition, there is a demand from Indonesian government for industries in Indonesia to implement zero accident policy. Moreover, the global demand on the application of SMK3 in industrial context leads to the increasing needs for public health experts concerning on Occupational Health and Safety issues. Averagely speaking, Occupational Health and Safety graduates obtain their first job very quickly. It is therefore not surprising that undergraduate students in Public Health Science’s interest to Occupational Health and Safety studies consistently is rapidly growing. Occupational Health and Safety lecturers are experts in their respective fields

The department has established cooperation with various institutions, both at national and international scale. In national level, the department has existing partnerships with Indonesian Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, PT Petrokimia Gresik, and PT Semen Gresik, while at international scale, we obtained partnerships with Griffith University Australia and Mahidol University.

To answer the market demand, the department also manages vocational programs in Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics and Work Safety since 1985. In 2010, this program accredited as A level from BAN-PT. The Department also established an Occupational Health and Safety Postgraduate Program.

Head Of Department

Dr.Noeroel Widajati, S.KM., M.Sc.

Secertary Of Departement

Meirina E, drh.,M.Kes.

Teaching Staff

  1. Prof. Dr.dr.Tjipto Suwandi.,MPH.,SpOk
  2. Prof.Dr.dr.Tri Martiana.MS
  3. Dr.Ir.Deny Andryanto,MS.
  4. Dr.Abdul Rohim Tualeka,MKes.
  5. Sho’im Hidayat, dr., MS
  6. Mulyono, S.KM., M.Kes
  7. Dra. Endang Dwiyanti, M.Kes
  8. Indriati Paskarini, SH., M.Kes
  9. Dani Narul Haqi,SKM.,M.KKK.
  10. Putri Ayuni Alayyannur , SKM.,MKKK.