FKM NEWS – One of the knowledge applications is by doing community service in order to serve the society. Currently, the 58th Community Service Program or Kuliah Kerja Nyata Belajar Bersama Masyarakat (KKN-BBM) of Universitas Airlangga is ongoing, up until 28 July 2018. Before executing one program, it is essential to determine the prior problem...Read More
FKM NEWS – The World-free Tobacco Day (HTTS) has been established every May 31. One of the ways to implement the movement is by the employment of the Non-smoking Area (KTR) in public institutions, such as in institutions as campus. Hence, on Friday (25/5/2018), the students of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciencences (PKIP) Department of...Read More
FKM NEWS – Family is the foundation to build and shape the future of a strong and great nation since a family produces health, intelligent, independent, and noble generations. 29 of June is said to be the National Family Day, or Hari Keluarga Nasional (HARGANAS). This year, the commemoration was held in Manado, North Sulawesi....Read More
For the women of Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Airlanggaacademic community, the 2017 National Mother’s Day, Friday, December 22 was a moment of contemplation. It was an affirmation of role and contribution in building the young generation in the region. “Here, we inspire each other about mothers, the great mother figure, through story- telling...Read More
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