FKM NEWS – Everyone has different potentials. This potential can then be optimized so that it can be an achievement. Even so, there are still many students who do not know how to find and optimize the potential within themselves. Here are tips for finding and optimizing your potential during your studies at Airlangga University’s Faculty of Public Health (FKM) by Aisyah Putri Rahvy, outstanding student (Mawapres) FKM UNAIR 2018.
“To find out the potential and strength of oneself, the first thing to do is to see self-interest first,” explained the student who is familiarly called Aisha. According to Aisyah, one way to find out interest is to see someone’s enthusiasm for something. For example, S1 Public Health (Kesmas) has seven departments, namely AKK, K3, Environmental Health, PKIP, Epidemiology, Nutrition and Biostatistics.
One way to find out about a student interested in a department is to realize the enthusiasm that arises when the student follows a course related to that department. Or enthusiasm that arises when discussing issues and other matters relating to the department. Evaluation of Interests Owned After knowing what interests you have, then the next step is to do an evaluation. Evaluation can be done by looking at the assessments and feedback from friends, lecturers and families regarding the individual’s self-performance on these interests. For example, there are seven departments in the Public Health S1. When a student has found any department that interests him, then to see the potential he has in that interest is to look at the value of the courses related to the department. “In addition to values, students can also see how feedback from friends and lecturers to us is related to all matters related to the department we are interested in,” said Aisyah who is also a representative of a 2018 UNAIR ambassador.

Look for opportunities
The results of
Time Management
After deciding to optimize their potential by participating in various activities and competitions, Aisyah recommended that students not forget their academic responsibilities. For this reason, students must be smart in managing time. “In this time management, students must be smart in determining priorities. In addition, it is better to do college assignments long before the deadline so that academic and non-academic activities can run in harmony, “explained Aisha. For FKM UNAIR students, especially those who are still in their first semester, Aisyah advised that they not waste time during college. Don’t miss the opportunity that comes, because according to Ayesha we will not know which opportunity can make ourselves better.
Author: Galuh Mega Kurnia
Editor: Ilham Akhsanu Ridlo
Picture: Aisyah Putri Rahvy, FKM 2018 vice president and deputy of 1 2018 UNAIR ambassador