Sesilia Rante Pakadang1, Sisilia Tresia Rosmala Dewi1, Yuliani Lopak
1. Department of Pharmacy, Health Polytechnic of Ministry of Health Makassar
2. The District Health Office of TanaToraja
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We have done a research on ethno-pharmacology of medicinal plant for tuberculosis of the Toraja people in south Sulawesi. The study was conducted in Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi, by selecting two respondents from each district, namely a practitionerof traditional healer and a patient/former sufferer (survivor). Selection of respondents based on the data from public health centersof each district. Structured interviewswere conducting to be answered by respondents about the types of medicinal plants used in the treatment of tuberculosis either singly or in combination, methods of drug preparations and sources of information regarding the treatment of tuberculosis which were implemented by each respondent. The results showed that the Toraja people in Tana Toraja using 22 kinds of medicinal plants for the treatment of tuberculosis which are composed of 12 herbs, 9 shrubs and 1 tree. Parts of medicinal plants used are leaves, stems, flowers, fruits, rhizomes and herbs. The most commonly used medicinal plants were 85.71% miana leaves (Coleus scutellarioides (L.) Benth, 50% pegaganherbs (Centella asiatica (L.) Uran, and 42.86% turmeric rhizomes (Curcuma langa (L.). While 19 other medicinal plant species only used as much as 3 to 21.43%. Methods of drug preparations are by boiling, squeezing or grating the ingredients, and then the juice is drunk. The reasonswhy people using these medicinal plants are because of the suggestion of family, health workers, traditional healers with the aim of avoiding the side effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs and for speedy recovery. Sources of medical knowledge of practitioners of traditional healersare hereditary ones. Conclusion: miana leaves are a local wisdom of the Torajapeople in using medicinal plants for the treatment of tuberculosis.
Keywords: medicinal plants, tuberculosis, local wisdom