Prof. Dr. dr. Santi Martini, M.Kes.

Dekan Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat

Prof. Dr. dr. Santi Martini, M.Kes.

Lektor Kepala / Associate Professor

Epidemiologi; Tobacco Control; Epidemiologi Penyakit Tidak Menular

Biografi Singkat

Research Interest

1 Air Quality Measurement (PM2.5 Level) in Surabaya
2 Tobacco Industry Compliance and Awareness to
3 Risk Analysis of Cigarette Smoke among Pregnant Women through Blood Co-HB Concentration Level
4 Exposure from Nicotine Among Tobacco Farmer and Its Relationship to Health Disorders (Comparison Study in Indonesia and Thailand) (first year)
5 Exposure from Nicotine Among Tobacco Farmer and Its Relationship to Health Disorders (Comparison Study in Indonesia and Thailand) (first year)
6 Exposure from Nicotine Among Tobacco Farmer and Its Relationship to Health Disorders (Comparison Study in Indonesia and Thailand) (second year)
7 Burden of Disease related to Smoking in Blitar District
8 Association between COHB Blood Level caused by Air Pollution and Risk for Stroke
9 Cigarette Health Warning Labels in Indonesia: Identifying the effectiveness of religious vs non-religious messages.
10 Cigarette Health Warning Labels in Indonesia: Identifying the effectiveness of religious vs non-religious messages.
11 Burden of Disease related to Smoking in East Java (second year)
12 Smoking behavior of the health professionals in Asia Pacific and Middle East countries
13 Model Analysis of Mobile Application System for Quitting from Smoking
14 Exposure from Nicotine Among Tobacco Farmer and Its Relationship to Health Disorders (Comparison Study in Indonesia and Thailand) (first year)
15 Exposure from Nicotine Among Tobacco Farmer and Its Relationship to Health Disorders (Comparison Study in Indonesia and Thailand) (second year)
16 Burden of Disease related to Smoking in Blitar District
17 Cigarette Health Warning Labels in Indonesia: Identifying the effectiveness of religious vs non-religious messages.
18 Smoking behavior of the health professionals in Asia Pacific and Middle East countries
19 Model Analysis of Mobile Application System for Quitting from Smoking
20 Hubungan Antara Kadar COHB Akibat Pencemaran Udara dan Risiko Stroke

Association Member

No Association
6 Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI)
7 Ikatan Dokter Kesehatan Kerja Indonesia (IDKI)
8 Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI)

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