UNAIR NEWS – Trisna Nurya Majid, Imas Elva Khoiriyah, Eka Swastika Putri, Kiki Damasari Millenia, and Estit Raca Alda Nur Wakhid are five students from Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) participating as a team in Student Creativity Program – Community Service (PKM-PM). They are one of the teams that managed to qualify for funding in 2021.
The PKM program carried out by Trisna and the team was titled “Pregnancy Care Community, Integrated Psychological Approach Based Empowerment as Effort to Reduce Maternal Mortality Rate in the New Normal Era, Kertajaya Village, Surabaya.” Through the PKM program, Trisna and her team want to empower the locals to overcome the problem of maternal mortality (MMR) in Kertajaya Urban Community using the Integrated Psychological Approach.
“In this PKM-PM program, our team partners with PKK (Family Welfare Movement) of Kertajaya,” she said.
Furthermore, Trisna said that the program they developed was inspired by the high maternal mortality rate in Kertajaya urban community, Surabaya. Moreover, the Covid-19 pandemic has the potential to increase MMR because some services for pregnant women are stopped or postponed. Thus, community empowerment activities are needed to adapt to current conditions.
“We also see the partners’ potential to carry out a sustainable Pregnancy Care Community program , and they are expected to produce cadres as good and competent health counselors in maintaining the good health of pregnant women in Kertajaya, Surabaya,” Trisna explained on Thursday, July 29, 2021.
The implementation of PKM, continued Trisna, was carried out with a blended system or a combination of online and offline. When activities are carried out offline, Trisna and the team pay close attention to health protocols. The activities carried out are dissemination and partner training in four meetings.
According to Trisna, their program supports the achievement of the third sustainable development goal (SDG) related to good health and welfare, where the MMR problem is one of the health problems that must be resolved.
“Maintaining maternal health during pregnancy is not only the responsibility of pregnant women, but also the responsibility of husbands, families, communities, health workers, and the government,” added Trisna.
Finally, Trisna and the team hoped that the program they developed could be implemented sustainably by partners. So, it can be one of the continuous efforts to reduce MMR in the new normal era, especially in Kertajaya urban community, Surabaya. (*)
Author: Dita Aulia Rahma
Editor: Binti Q. Masruroh
Articles from http://news.unair.ac.id/en/2021/07/29/reducing-maternal-mortality-rate-using-integrated-psychological-approach/