In 2008, the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) launched the social media campaign This Is Public Health® (TIPH) to raise awareness about the field of public health and the range of professions that are encompassed within the field. Over time, this campaign has gained momentum as a platform for educating students and the public and recruiting new students to study public health. In 2019, ASPPH partnered with the Association of Schools of Public Health in the
European Region (ASPHER) to launch a pilot project focused on enhancing the visibility of public health across Europe: TIPH Europe. The TIPH Europe project produced innovative educational campaigns and resources, as well as many just-in-time offerings in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Building on the success of TIPH Europe, ASPPH is expanding this effort under the auspices of the Global Network for Academic Public Health (Global Network), with the new TIPH Global campaign. The goal of the Global Network, launched in 2020 by six regional associations that represent schools and programs of public health around the world, is to enhance academic public health worldwide through mutual learning and collaborations. The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically increased awareness of the underlying issues that affect the public’s health and the need to work together as a global community to combat public health threats. TIPH Global recognizes the importance of global collaboration and local action to protect the health of the public.
The Global Network, with the support of Dr. Richard and Mrs. Linda Riegelman, is pleased announce the 20 awardees for the first TIPH Global Grant Program cohort. These institutions participated in a competitive review process and were selected to represent TIPH, their regional association, and the Global Network in this cohort. The 20 awardee institutions represent 18 countries from around the world and their projects focus on a range of public health issues from antibiotic resistance to mental health to water and sanitation hygiene. In addition to the awarded project, each institution has nominated a student to participate in the new TIPH Global Ambassador program. The Global Ambassadors will represent their institutions and promote public health in their regions and globally.
It is a great honor to announce the following TIPH Global Grant Program Awardees and Global Ambassadors, listed by their regional association affiliation. You can follow their projects on the websites and social media accounts listed and look for a full showcase of their year-long projects in 2022. Congratulations to all of the TIPH Global Grant Program Awardees!