e-Journal: Journal of Public Health Research and Community Health Development 

p-ISSN : 2580-0140

e-ISSN : 2597-7571

Journal of Public Health Research and Community Health Development as the familiar nick name of JPH RECODE is a journal published by Public Health Program Study PSDKU Universitas Airlangga Banyuwangi. Our journal is published every twice a years are on October and March.

JPH RECODE is on public health as discipline and practices related to preventive and promotive measures to enhance health of the public through scientific approach applying variety of technique. This focus includes area and scope such as biostatistics and health population, epidemiology, health education and promotion, health policy and administration, environmental health, public health nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, and occupational health and safety. You can also look into this explanation on how to take care of your sexual health with the right kind of medicines.

JPH RECODE was first published since October 2017 (Volume 1 Issue 1) with 6 manuscripts in 60 pages, then from March 2018 until now our journal has been publishing 8 manuscripts in every edition. Every edition now consists of 65-75 pages. Manuscripts are written in full Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) or full English except on abstracts used both languanges are Indonesian and English.

The journal employs peer-review mechanism where each submited article should be anonimously reviewed by expert peers appointed by the editor. Articles published in this journal could be in form of original article.

Please note that Volume 1 Issue 1 2017 – Volume 2 Issue 1 2019 was previously processed offline. Volume 1 Issue 1 2017 can be accessed at http://journal.unair.ac.id/JPHRCHD, while Volume 1 Issue 2 2018 -Volume 2 Issue 1 2019 are available in archive (https://e-journal.unair.ac.id/JPHRECODE/issue/archive)