

Pengumuman akademik, penelitian dan pengmas

FKM NEWS-Banyaknya kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan Megawati Nasehatul Aminati, atau yang akrab dipanggil Mega ini berhasil membawanya menjadi wisudawan berprestasi Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat (FKM) Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Periode Juni 2021. “Sebelumnya tidak penah menargetkan menjadi wisudawan berprestasi” Ucapnya. Mega tidak pernah menyangka bisa menjadi wisudawan berprestasi, selama kuliah ia lebih menekuni apa yang disukai...
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We cordially invite you to the China launch event of the 2020 Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change, which will take place at 07.00-08.40 GMT on 3rd December 2020.   ABOUT THIS EVENT This event will report the latest findings from the 2020 Lancet Countdown Global Report and launch the first Lancet Countdown China report. In...
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Bersama ini kami sampaikan kepada mahasiswa Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Airlangga, terlampir daftar nama yang dinyatakan lulus yudisium Periode November 2020. 5436_PENGUMUMAN YUDISIUM I SMT. GASAL 2020_2021
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[PENDAFTARAN SCIFI NEUTRON 2020] Yang ditunggu-tunggu akhirnya datang juga!🥳🤩🔥 AMAZI FKM UNAIR bersama dengan ILMAGI mempersembahkan SCIFI NEUTRON 2020 dengan perlombaan: N2O🥉 Cp: Alifia ID LINE: chaalifiaa 📞 085716080749 Dietetic Contest🥗 ID LINE: fifiazhar 📞0813311563669 Poster Competition 💻 CP: Thasya ID LINE: aca_abhl9 📞081806761209 KTI📝 CP: Farah ID LINE: rwaraah 📞087827766500 Esai Populer✏ CP: Sava...
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  Advancing Science in Indonesia: Current Global Research Practices Webinar ini diselenggarakan dalam rangka mendiskusikan beragam strategi yang dapat diimplementaikan untuk meningkatkan kualitas luaran riset peneliti di Indonesia. Beberapa diantaranya adalah: ​ 1. Menekankan pentingnya penguasaan keterampilan dasar meneliti (misalnya, keterampilan meninjau literatur, menganalisis dan menginterpretasi data, dsb.); 2. Mengedukasi peneliti mengenai praktik baik meneliti...
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[CALL FOR ABSTRACTS] The 6th InaHEA Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) “(POLITICAL) ECONOMICS OF NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES IN INDONESIA-GATHERING EVIDENCE FOR NATIONAL ACTION PLAN” Indonesian Health Economics Association (InaHEA) is the association of experts in the field of health economics. InaHEA is affiliated with International Health Economics Association (IHEA) as the biggest forum of health economics globally....
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@amaziunair Proudly Present: ⁣ ⁣ Asosiasi Mahasiswa Gizi Universitas Airlangga⁣ PROUDLY PRESENTS⁣ ✨NUTRIBE SEMINAR AND WORKSHOP 2019✨⁣ ✨[CALL FOR ABSTRACT]✨⁣ We welcome all nutrition experts, enthusiasts, scholar, researchers, and practitioners and also other who interested in global health issues and sport nutrition to disseminate their original article or case report after submit the abtracts. The...
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Risk is the possibility of damage, injury or effects caused by vulnerabilities which can actually be avoided by preventive efforts. Human interaction with the health system poses a threat to them mainly due to increasingly complex technology, complex procedures, high demand for health services, high expectations from users of health services and the many interests...
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